Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Thing 12.3 - Data Warehousing Reflection

In my district, we have two main systems of data warehousing that are tied. Our onsite SIS, created specifically by / for our district links to the KISD warehousing systems IGOR and INGA. We also use TieNet to support tracking / maintaining IEP and other special ed data.

With a greater push for data-driven instruction, school improvement data and expectations for transparency in general, data-warehousing has become an invaluable tool for staff and administration in targeting instruction, filtering results, and sharing useful information with others. 

These and other tools make it much easier for teachers, counselors and parents to get feedback that goes beyond grades. Everyone involved in the education of a student can look at various factors that inform the process. Item analysis, demographic data and demonstrated trends in between classrooms and buildings assist everyone in identifying best practices and areas for improvement. 

We also use a few CMS tools, such as edmodo, Moodle and E2020. In each of those, teachers and students can easily monitor usage, course completion, and success rates etc. Parents and students see the same data allowing them to participate more actively in the educational process. 

With all the online options, and the growing availability of student data in more public spaces, teachers and staff need to have a more active awareness of FERPA / HIPAA guidelines. Gone are the days of paper files that got photocopied and mailed. Now, anyone with the right username / password can access student records. As teachers take a more active role in setting up online course resources, they need to be keenly aware of who has access to something as simple as a student last name.

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